See the example here :

Internet,tool,marketing,networking,SEO,free,opportunity,WAHM,online ,business,traffic,submitter,money,social networking,Affiliate Programs,Auctions,Audio-Video Streaming,Blogging,Domains,Ebooks,Ecommerce,Email Marketing,Ezine Marketing,Ezine Publishing,Forums ,Internet Marketing,Podcasts,PPC Advertising,RSS,Security,SEO,Site Promotion,Traffic Generation,Web Design,Web Hosting,Advertising,Article Marketing,Careers,Home Based Business,Networking
As an example we have used 1.5p per search but actual amounts may be higher than this!
Based on your choice of 5 searches a day and 10 friends, your possible earnings are as follows:
In one month your searches will earn £2.25 @ a rate of 1.5 = $3.38.In one year your searches will earn £27.38 @ a rate of 1.5 = $ 41.07
In one month if 10 of your friends also did 5 searches and in turn 10 of their friends did the same and in turn 10 of their friends did the same you will earn £72.00 @ a rate of 1.5 = $ 108.00
One Month Earnings = $ 111.38 for just making your internet searches with Homepages
In one year if 10 of your friends also did 5 searches and in turn 10 of their friends did the same and in turn 10 of their friends did the same you will earn £876.00 @ a rate of 1.5 = $ 1314.00.
One YEAR earnings = $ 1,355.07 .
Sign up or not,you still searching using Yahoo or other search engine isn't it?
Homepage Friend is a great way to earn funds from regular internet searching. Many positive response are considered to this free program. Earn even
more if telling friends and they use in the same way. See: Your Possible Earnings only 5 searches a day
Not bad for just making regular internet searches with Homepage Friend.
Sign up or not,we still searching using Yahoo or other search engine isn't it?