chosen for a Moneymagpie Award for Favourite Money for Nothing Website and opportunity. One proof of its credibility for its customer
Here's the News :
A Big THANK YOU!!!!!
Firstly we'd like to thank all of you who helped raise an impressive amount for the Railway Children; your funds have gone towards providing over 600 meals for children on the streets over Christmas.
"We're so grateful for the money raised through Home Pages Friends which went towards giving street children a happy Christmas. We couldn't do what we do without the generosity of the public, so thank you all for your kind donations."
Dave Ellis, Corporate Partnership Manager of the Railway Children
And the good news doesn't end there! We're really pleased to announce HomePages Friends has been chosen for a Moneymagpie Award for Favourite Money for Nothing Website and opportunity. So tell all your friends about our award winning service and they too could be beating the credit crunch by adding to their, and your, income simply by doing what they already do on the internet searching!
So here's to a prosperous 2009...Get Searching, Get Earning!